도서목록 (전체 3건)

검색 초기화

[08107] Tools of the Mind
Elena Bodrova, Deborah Leong
  • 정가30,000
  • 발행일2006-09-20
■ This text is designed for advanced Curriculum, Methods, and Issues courses in Early Childhood Education and Child and Family Studies departments. As the only text of its kind, this book provides ..
[08104] Foundations and Best Practices in Early Childhood Education
Lissanna Follari
  • 정가38,000
  • 발행일2006-08-16
■ This is a core text for Introduction/Foundations in Early Childhood Education courses or Issues/Models of Early Childhood Education courses. This text differs from other models or approaches text..
[27211] Education Dictionary CD-ROM
Carol Spafford
  • 정가25,000
  • 발행일2005-10-26
■ All of the valuable information designed to provide professional educators and college students with educational terms, concepts, issues, and strategies has been completely updated and is now avai..